Talent Database
TLDR for talents
Ensure your profile is up-to-date to appear in search results
Highlight your specializations, skills, and language proficiency
Keep an eye on your ratings and QP to attract project managers
TLDR for project teams
Utilize the Talent Database to find the perfect fit for your tasks
Bring in influencers of all sizes to boost your project
Leverage extensive filters to narrow down the most suitable candidates
Use the On-Chain section to assess financial activity and Sybil Score of talents
Talent Database is an excellent place to find talents or influencers for the project. With a vast array of filters, you can find the right person for any task.
This page is similar to the Leaderboard but is accessible only to project managers and contains much more detailed information about talents. It includes filtering and selection based on the following criteria:
Which projects talents are part of
Specializations talents have.
Verified skills talents possess
Languages talents speak
Levels and the number of QP talents have
Number of tasks currently in progress
Average rating over the last 50 tasks
Additionally, this page has tools for finding influencers on Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok with filtering options based on follower count, views, likes, etc.
The On-Chain section displays information about all talents connected their wallets and allows filtering using the following parameters:
Token and NFT count
Wallet ETH balance
Total wallet balance (USD)
Last updated