
TLDR for talents

  • Try to fulfill gates conditions for project or tasks as usually the most rewarding activities are gated

  • Gates conditions are checked constantly so make sure that you fulfill the requirements all the time you are working with gated project activities

TLDR for project teams

  • Use gates as filters for project entry, but avoid setting excessively high conditions

  • If you use gates, consider setting higher rewards than regular to attract talents

Gates are a set of rules that determine who can access your project. To pass a gate, the talent must meet the specified conditions.

Project teams can choose between these conditions:

  • Any NFT from a collection (verifies if talent owns any NFT from the specified collection)

  • Specific NFT from a collection (verifies if talent owns the specified NFT from the specified collection)

  • Minimum amount of token (verifies if talent holds the specified amount of tokens)

  • Whitelist of wallet addresses (verifies if the talent's wallet address belongs to the specified address list)

One or multiple conditions can be specified. Project teams can also choose whether all the conditions must be met by talents to pass the gate, or if meeting just one of them is enough.

If a talent no longer meet the gate conditions, their activity is frozen. They cannot perform any gated activity until the conditions are met. For instance, a talent cannot buy the necessary NFT to join the project, sell it later, and gain complete access to project activities. The same applies in reverse: if the project team changes the gate conditions and none of the talents meet the new requirements, they will not be able to contribute to the project. Therefore, project teams should exercise caution when creating or modifying gates.

Last updated