Create a task

Creating a well-tailored task is a crucial part of setting up your project. It must contain clear instructions, be realistically achievable, and hold a proper reward to motivate talents. Making an error while entering task parameters might result in irreversible reputational or even financial damage to your project. We urge projects to pay a lot of attention during the process of creating tasks for your campaign. Please refer to the Tasks section for more information.

  1. To create tasks, go to the "Tasks" tab by clicking the respective button on the right-side menu. In the top-right corner, click "Create a Task" and pick a Regular or On-chain task.

  1. For regular tasks, use the Auto-Check toggle to choose whether the task will be approved automatically or will require a review from your team.

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the project for which you want to create this task. Fill in the basic information such as task name and description. There is also an option to attach images and documents to better illustrate your assignment.

  2. The following section defines target talents to which the task will be open. You can dedicate task to specific talents only, otherwise the task will be visible to all talents that pass the conditions set. It is possible set a maximum amount of talents for this task, pick talents with specific specialization (skillset) only or select users that achieved a certain level on Talentum. Finally, if you have connected a Discord server to your project, the task can be available only to users with a particular Discord role.

  1. In the next input forms, project managers must set rewards for successfully completing the task. This can be done either in Credits, stablecoins or other tokens. To give talents with higher level a larger reward, pleasy tick the "Level Coefficient" checkbox.

Exercise extreme care when entering task conditions and rewards. After the task submission was approved, the talent is eligible to receive full amount stated as reward!

  1. Finally, set the task's priority and the time period. The priority does not influence any operational parameters of the task and is used by talents as filter in the database. The Start and End dates, on contrary, are very important as they define when the task will be available for completion. Note that you can set a starting date significantly later in time.

  1. After carefully proving all entered data, simply click "Publish" to make your task available to talents! You can now view task in your database, including the number of participants, amount paid, and other information.

Note that after at least one talent has taken your task as work, there is no possibility to edit or cancel the task.

Last updated