⭐Average Rating

TLDR for talents

  • Strive to do your best when completing tasks to maintain a high average rating so project teams can distinguish you from other talents

TLDR for project teams

  • Consider the average rating as a factor while selecting talents to invite for your project or task

  • Please note that the average rating is more effective when there are a large number of completed tasks by a talent

Average Rating is a score indicating the average quality points (QP) received by talent for completing their tasks.

Average Rating is calculated using this formula:

AR=(Nβˆ’(Oβˆ—A))/CAR = (N - (O * A)) / C
  • N - Total number of points collected

  • Π‘ - Number of tasks completed

  • O - Number of tasks that are overdue

  • А - Penalty coefficient (А = 2 if О > Π‘, А = 1 + O / (O + Π‘) if О =< Π‘)

Rating is calculated using only the 50 most recent tasks, allowing talents to increase their rating through good work.

Project teams can use the Average Rating filter within a specific range to filter talents in the talent database.

Average Rating can be found near the talent's avatar in their profile.

Last updated