πŸ‘“Quality Points (QP)

TLDR for talents

  1. Specify specializations of your expertise in your profile

  2. Find tasks with Quality Points

  3. Make your best effort when working with them

  4. Collect as much QP as possible to access the most engaging and rewarding tasks

TLDR for project teams

  • Quality Points showcase the true involvement of each talent in each specialization, utilize them to identify the ones that best fit your project or tasks

  • When reviewing tasks, use this scale to determine the amount of QP to reward: 1 is for work that barely meets the requirements, while 5 is for work that exceeds your expectations

Quality Points (QP) represent a score assigned to each specialization of each talent. It is determined by multiplying the number of completed tasks by the quality of work for each task (from 1 to 5) assessed by project managers.

The position on the leaderboard for any specialization depends solely on the QP talent has in that specific specialization.

Quality Points is a crucial factor in building a community of experts capable of handling tasks of any complexity.

How and why it works

If someone only meets the task requirements without providing any additional value, they will receive 1 or 2 QP per task instead of 4 or 5. Consequently, their progress on the leaderboard will be significantly slower. Conversely, individuals who put effort into their work will earn more QP, even if they don't complete a large number of tasks. This system motivates the first group to discover methods of increasing their QP for each task, thereby enhancing their value to projects.

Last updated