TLDR for talents
Specify specializations of your expertise in your profile
Earn higher levels by completing tasks with Quality Points
Gain access to the most engaging and rewarding tasks
TLDR for project teams
Utilize the Levels filter to identify highly skilled talents for complex tasks
Levels are the most convenient way to categorize talents based on the amount of QP they have earned. The higher the talent's level, the greater their expertise in their respective specializations.
After signing up, each talent starts at level 0. To progress to higher levels, talents must specify their specialization and earn QP by completing tasks. The following is the QP requirement for each level:
Level 1: 50 QP
Level 2: 100 QP
Level 3: 150 QP
Level 4: 200 QP
Level 5: 250 QP
Once talent has accumulated the necessary amount of QP for a new level, they can submit a request to level up. Talentum managers will promptly evaluate the request and either approve or reject the leveling up. This process ensures that talents attain higher levels based on genuine expertise, without any form of cheating.
Last updated