Complete your profile

After logging in for the first time, you will receive automatically generated name and avatar image for your account. Make sure to change them and include all the relevant info that makes you stand out from others. This will boost your chances of getting invited by project teams to join their projects or specific tasks.

1. Click profile image.

2. Click "Profile"

3. Click on your name to specify it. Changes will be saved automatically.

4. Upload your avatar by clicking on the automatically generated image.

5. Click the plus icon to update the header.

6. Choose your current country.

7. Indicate the languages you are proficient in.

8. Add a brief bio that introduces yourself and highlights your experience.

9. Much better, right?

You can also enhance your profile by adding Web3 wallets and connecting your social media accounts through the provided buttons. Doing so will make your profile even more appealing to project teams.

Last updated